Bringing people together

Enhancing user experience and simplifying points of engagement are the keys to building strong relationships between brands, products and audiences. And at the end of the day, that’s what EDOS is all about. We strive to create better digital interactions between and amongst our clients and their audiences.

Our process involves identifying and addressing existing pain points, streamlining user journeys, and simplifying processes to allow users to engage comfortably and quickly within a given community.

Creative. Quirky. Real.

We are a fun, diverse, global team of critical and creative thinkers dedicated to crafting high-quality digital experiences that both engage and captivate audiences, bringing communities closer together.

Full Remote

Employees from multiple countries working seamlessly together across the globe.

Future Focused

We think not only in terms of what could be, but what should be.

Ever Curious

Our team is also driven to learn new and emerging tech and techniques.

A Little Nerdy

Gamers, techies, and anime fans; we’ve got a little bit of everything 😉

Samson Oh

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Peter Kirsch

Chief Executive Officer

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Travis Howle

Chief Technical Officer

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Sean May

Chief Operating Officer

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Aydin Erdas

Director of Engineering

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Jay Wongjedjan

Product Management

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Tony Romain

Design Lead

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Yusuf Yusuf

Senior Engineer

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Maia Kettman

Special Projects Coordinator

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Ashley Slack

Marketing & Promotion

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EJ Niones

Human Resources

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Our Process to Digital Product Solutions


Understand the problems you face and identify goals.


Determine the required scope of work; outlining the what, when, why and how.


Employees from multiple countries working seamlessly together across the globe.


We will create, test and refine a ready-for-delivery product you will be proud of.


Providing you with your product and all the information and tools you need for success.

Why should you choose to partner with EDOS Digital?

We specialize in developing software solutions for the gaming, esports and entertainment industries.
We offer access to products like our innovative EDOS Tournament Platform and our Digital Product Solutions (DPS) suite of services to help brands, influencers and organizations connect with their audiences.

We want to get to know about your needs and create, test and revise products that meet your goals; be that improving returns on investments, growing your community, meeting launch deadlines or anything else!

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